
My desire to travel is getting the best of me again. My latest inspiration is the movie “The Impossible” which if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend that you do. Having had the opportunity to travel with my family in the past has shown me how exciting it is, and I long to do more of it. With a path that has led to working with several non-profits; I have instilled in myself a passion to be a part of something bigger than myself, and to help others. I am very much interested in voluntourism or working while traveling. Anything that will allow me to experience the culture, help out if I can, and all on a budget that I may be able to manage.

If anyone has any advice I’d greatly appreciate it! What programs have you used? What stories might you have to share? What are some resources that you would recommend?

Also, another great movie that initially sparked my desire to travel that I suggest you view as well: “180 Degrees South.”



That’s right guys! I finally finished updating my portfolio! I will also be starting to post from my blog associated with portfolio as well. That means you should check out my portfolio and check out the new blog format! Check out my portfolio here and follow my blog here!